The Official Website of

Brading Residents Association (known as BRAG)

  Brading Residents Association

                  (known as BRAG)

Formed in 2009

We are recognised by Brading Town Council, the Isle of Wight County Council, our MP, Hampshire Police and many other organisations as the association for residents of the parish of Brading.


Our Aims, Objectives and Achievements


Brading Residents Association will:

Represent all sections of our community.

Uphold equal opportunities at all times.

Work towards good relations and mutual help for all members of our community.

Welcome and embrace our community.  Protect our environment, and our social and community life.

Promote membership of our Association, to enable us to share information which is helpful and informative

Activities & Achievements

We publish details of events in Brading on our Website, Facebook page, and on notice boards across the town. Members will receive informative emails  on varying subjects.

We have a lively social programme including visits to local places of interest, community lunches and social events.

We run a variety of annual events in the Town including the ‘Scarecrow Festival’,  ‘Brading in Bloom’, Plant Sale across the town, Sale Trail,  ‘Christmas Stars’  and  ‘ Happy Hearts’, ‘ Seek and Find’  ….with more activities planned. Take a look at what’s happening soon on the Events page.

We support local charities by fundraising, and have supported the ‘Brading Community Partnership’  and  ‘Brading Bell Ringers’

We assist those in need in the community by a having a culture of care for one another.

We welcome new members, not only existing residents but those that have just moved to the area and are seeking local advice and neighbourliness.


Below is the leaflet that will be available locally from  the middle of July

Brading Residents Association Boolet (2)


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