Support for IOW residents
“Your Voice, Your Care, Your Support, Your Independence”
Phone numbers and contact details for support for Island residents:
Please only use the most recent edition and check with all providers before travelling.
The information contained in this document is as most recently provided to People Matter IW by each organisation.
Updated 24th April 2024
Organisation: |
Contact: |
Help offered:
People Matter IW
Phone: 01983 685348
email: |
People Matter IW is here for any local person, from birth to end of life and without discrimination, who defines themselves as having support needs.
PARES – the Personal Assistant Recruitment and Employment Service
For more information, charges and options for this service please contact:
PARES The Independent Support Centre 1 and 2 Bernard Way Newport Isle of Wight PO30 5YL
Phone: 01983 685348
Face-to-face appointments available by prior arrangement only
People Matter IW now provide a service to help people who are self-funding. It enables them to access Care and Support in a person-centred and timely way. This provides choice and control for self-funders and their families. It gives information and advice to ensure they get the support they choose.
Ring 685348 for more details. |
AIM – Autism Inclusion Matters
Telephone 07498500607
Facebook @aimisleofwight
Our face-to-face groups have reopened in the community to provide advice and support where needed. You can find dates and times of groups at: |
Peer support.
Talk to people with lived experience and who understand.
For Autistic adults and their families and parents/carers of autistic children and young people
Healthwatch Isle of Wight
Phone: 01983 608608
email: enquiries@
Share your views and help make local NHS services better.
Information, advice and signposting service for people relating to health and social care. |
IW Council Safeguarding Team
Worried that an adult who is vulnerable may be at risk of or experiencing abuse or neglect?
Please contact the Adult Safeguarding Team at the Isle of Wight Council on 01983814980, or email |
Contact us if you are worried about an adult who is vulnerable and may be at risk of or experiencing abuse or neglect |
Tel: 116123 or e mail:
The Samaritans provide 24 hours a day confidential service. |
Support for people who are experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those which may lead to suicide.
Learning Disability Support Centre IW
The Learning Disability Support Centre IW is in Newport.
Our centre offers training and qualifications that specifically help and support our students to grow the skills for learning, skills for employment and skills for life. 1:1 sessions can be arranged by application or referral.
We offer short courses through our ASDAN project and provide support that enables our students to gain the skills to better accomplish day to day activities and integrate with the community.
Contact details: Telephone: 01983 685348 Lines open: Monday – Thursday 10am – 4pm Email:
People Matter IW introduces The Isle of Wight Learning Disability Support Centre – a fresh and dynamic centre for adults with a Learning Disability.
If you have a learning disability and want to know how we can support you, find out more about the services we offer and book an assessment.
SWAN Advocacy
SWAN Advocacy is commissioned by the local authority to provide Independent:
Address: Riverside Centre, The Quay, Newport, Isle of Wight, PO30 2QR
Telephone: 03333 447928
Do you find it hard to speak up for yourself? Do you want to be confident when communicating your wishes? Would you like to learn the skills needed to be able to advocate for yourself?
SWAN Advocacy also provide free self-advocacy training sessions on a monthly basis. The sessions include:
Contact SWAN to book on the next session. Spaces are limited so please book early to avoid disappointment.
Independent Health Complaints Advocacy:
support, including information and practical assistance to anyone wishing to make a complaint about the NHS, either about their own care or the care of a friend or relative.
Independent Care Act Advocacy: support for anyone when the local council is making decisions about their care.
Independent Mental Health Advocacy: support for anyone being detained under the Mental Health Act, to understand and exercise your rights and improve your care.
Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy: support for anyone lacking capacity when decisions are made about their long-term accommodation or serious medical treatment.
Independent Arts (a creative health charity)
To see what is available, visit our website or pop into the Creative Hub to pick up a What’s On Guide.
These guides are also distributed via medical practices all across the Island.
The Creative Hub, 48/49 High Street Newport PO30 1SE
Tel: 01983 822437
We are a charity that uses the arts to improve the health & wellbeing of island residents, through tackling social isolation with creative activities.
Our participants are all ages, and our programmes are targeted to specific age groups (older/younger) or by particular health needs: dementia, respiratory, mobility, depression, anxiety, ADHD and more.
We are inclusive and some of our groups are intergenerational. We deliver into care homes, schools, community settings and from our own Creative Hub.
Most of our programmes are free. Some funders expect us to invite a nominal donation from participants e.g. Dancemakers £2 per week.
Diabetes Group IOW
Phone 07415 399 102
Facebook: Diabetes Group IOW |
Every month – Support Groups/Drop ins/coffee mornings
We hold support groups in Ryde, Freshwater and Newport, Gurnard and Sandown, currently.
These groups are for anyone living with or caring for someone with diabetes.
The groups are peer led, and we encourage everyone with the condition to live their best life possible.
Details of the groups and events can be found in our contact details.
Hampshire & Isle of Wight Fire & Rescue Service – Safe & Well Service
If you meet any of the criteria below or you know somebody that does, then please make a referral
HIWFRS Community Safety:02380 626751 community.firesafety@
· There is evidence of fire risk concerns eg. burn marks on bedding, furniture.
· You/they would be unable to get out if the smoke detector/alarm activated.
Safe and Well home fire safety visit)
Safe and Well is a free home fire safety visit, tailored to an individual’s needs that can support members of our community to help protect them and their home from fire. |
Paragon Isle of Wight
Tel no’: 08002346266
Paragon is the local charity to contact if anyone is suffering Domestic Abuse and in need of a Refuge.
The Blue Lamp Trust
0300 7770157
The service is available to anyone who is vulnerable due to:
- Circumstance e.g. domestic abuse, hate crime, dementia, serious health condition (18+)
- Physical or Mental disability (18+)
- Victim or repeat victim of crime (18+)
- Age (over 60)
- Practical security and safety advice
- Fit security equipment
- Fire safety check
- Fit smoke alarms
- Gas safety advice
- Fit Carbon Monoxide detectors
- Fraud and scam advice
- Advice on crime prevention
Two Saints Ltd – Outreach
The service operates 365 days per year and is Islandwide. Contact can be made via email:
Support for anyone rough sleeping – 365 days a year.
Stroke Association
If you or someone you care for has had a stroke, ring: Stroke Association Helpline: 0303 3033 100
Helpline from a textphone: 18001 0303 3033 100
We offer support to stroke survivors and their close network.
Two Saints Ltd – Safe Haven
Our Safe Haven is based at 7 High Street, Newport, PO30 1SS (next to the Police Station and opposite County Hall)
Contact can be made by telephone, text, video call, email or in person at the above address.
No appointment or referral necessary.
The service is open 5-10pm Monday to Friday and Midday to 10pm Weekends and Bank Holidays.
01983 520168 or 07759 707881
Support for anyone aged 18+years who is in, or nearing, a mental health crisis.
Alzheimer’s Society
Dementia Connect Support Line –
0333 150 3456 9am – 8pm Monday – Wednesday: 9am – 5pm Thursday and Friday, 10am -4pm Saturday and Sunday
Our local activity/friendship group for people with dementia and a carer/helper runs in The Riverside Centre, The Quay, Newport PO33 2QR on the 3rd Wednesday morning of the month from 10:30 – 12:30.
Please call 02392 892035 for information or email
Advice, information and support by phone or email to anyone affected by dementia; people living with a diagnosis, carers or family.
Information and Advice Drop-In Ryde Library George St, Ryde PO33 2JE on 2nd Friday of the month 11:00am – 1:00pm “
Alzheimer Café IOW & Alzheimer Café Daily at Parklands
Address: Parklands
Call: 01983 220200
Email: Alzheimer Café Isle of Wight
Alzheimer Café Daily @Parklands Parklands@alzheimercafeiow.
Alzheimer Café Isle of Wight welcomes anyone affected by dementia including individuals before and after receiving a diagnosis, families, carers, and healthcare professionals to join us for informal education about dementia, guidance and signposting to other services.
Our cafés offer a friendly and welcoming environment where people can chat, share stories, make friends, and relax knowing everyone there is ‘in the same boat.’
Isle of Wight Prostate Cancer Support Group
Phone: 07568245124
Talk to people who have been through diagnosis, treatment and after care.
Information, advice and signposting support and services.
Advice about claiming ferry transport costs.
Free PSA blood tests.
Check the website for the next available PSA event. Book via the IWPCSG website.
(Special Educational Needs Information, Advice and Support Service)
Phone: 08081645492
Providing a free, confidential, and impartial service to children and young people with special educational needs and their parents.
IW Family Centres – Barnardo’s
Email iowfamilycentres@barnardos.
or phone between 9am – 4.30pm
- Ryde Family Centre 01983 617617
- East Newport Family Centre 01983 529208
- Sandown Family Centre 01983 408718
Facebook page – Isle of Wight Family Centres
Website for Information – Barnardo’s Family Space:
Information advice and guidance for parents of children 0 – 19 years.
Get in touch if needing advice or support or more information.
Working Towards Wellbeing
FB page – workingtowardswellbeingIW
WTW are also on the the Isle of Wight Community Mental Health Support Hub website.
You can refer yourself to this service either through their website or by using a referral form.
Support in retaining employment.
Support in finding employment.
Support to find volunteering and/or education
Advice and guidance surrounding benefits for those getting back into work.
There is also a service available for employers.
Mencap – Learning Disability Helpline
You can call the Learning Disability Helpline on 0808 808 1111, we’re here from 9am to 3pm, Monday to Friday.
Or you can fill in our online form or
email us at
A lot of people are worried about a lot of things.
We are asked lots of questions about the cost of living and what it means for people with a learning disability.
‘No Limits –
Space 4U’
(Isle of Wight mental health crisis helpline for children and young people)
Space 4U now accessible by phone or webchat on: Monday 5pm to 8pm, Tuesday 11am to 1pm, Wednesday 5pm to 8pm, Friday 10am to midday.
To speak to a youth worker in these times, call 0774 1665182 or visit to speak to a youth worker on webchat.
For further details, phone 02380 224224,
Support for young people (11 to 17yrs) to de-escalate emotional crisis and promote positive mental health.
Bodster Equine Assisted (Community Interest Company)
Mr Giles Boddington
Mrs Jo Boddington
Open 9am-5pm Monday to Friday
Support for people with depression/ Mental health needs through spending time with our ponies on the ground (No riding involved)
Support to: complete Mindfulness activities
complete courses to
increase positive mental health
Isle of Wight Community Mental Health Support Hub
(Website only)
Self-help, links to apps, videos and workshops, helpline numbers, local support services
Footprint Trust
01983 822282
E mail:
Help and advice around fuel poverty
Guidance on energy matters
Citizens Advice
Adviceline: 0800 144 88 48 and
Textphone: 18001 0800 144 8884
Money, benefits, housing, or employment issues
Wessex Cancer Support, Isle of Wight
Help line is operational 10 am – 2 pm Tue – Fri on 01983 524186.
You can also email enquiries to:
Support line for people affected by cancer or those supporting somebody affected by cancer
Wight Sense – the
Island’s Sensory Service
Wight Sense is very happy to receive self-referrals or referrals from family and friends.
The service is also happy to take referrals from any statutory or voluntary sector service who is working with a person who may benefit from this specialist support, provided they have the person’s consent.
You can access the service by emailing
or by ringing 01983 240222.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch for further information.
Wight Sense provides specialist sensory support for local people with sensory loss.
This includes assessments, individual home-based visits, mobility training, practical help and advice and help for people, with sensory loss, to remain independent and confident in their daily lives.
Anyone with any level of hearing or sight loss, or both, may access the service.
Veterans Outreach Support
If a veteran, their spouse or carer needs urgent support they can contact us directly on 02392 731 767.
Our local contact is: Tony Gear: 07584 308959
Provision of welfare, wellbeing, and mental health services for veterans. We are here to support them.
Carers IW
Carers IW Helpline – 533173 – 7 days
8am – 8pm Monday – Friday and 10am – 4pm
Saturday and Sunday (Urgent or working carer calls) Email:
Carers Lounge Supporting Carers at St Mary’s
822099 ext. 2568 or email
Carers Lounge Supporting Carers at Sevenacres
822099 ext. 2401 or email
We are seeing carers face to face at the centre and all our groups and home visits are up and running. Training and groups are running. Carers IW Video Calls – we can use a variety of technology to have a video call with you.
Carers IW Carers Assessments We will offer these via a visit or the telephone, video call or a pre-booked appointment at the Centre. We offer a variety of support from emotional support, gym, craft, self-care café, training, quiet days, RITA sessions, dementia forum, male carers evening social, mental health carers drop in, information & Advice.
Advice and support for unpaid Carers.
If you feel the need to have a regular telephone call with us, please do ask.
For carers caring for those with high anxiety or dementia, it may be beneficial to avoid watching the news so to reduce their anxieties.
If you are struggling with any aspect of their illness, please do ring us.
Priority Service Registers
0800 316 5457 (0800 316 5457 text phone)
Water: 0330 303 0277
Gas: 0800 072 8625 or 0800 294 8604 if you’re a Pay as You Go customer.
Or you can contact by textphone on 18001 0800 072 8626.
Ensures vulnerable people are prioritised in the event of water or electricity outage
or problems with their gas supply.
Ventnor Community Foodbank
We are open 10.00 am to 12.00 noon on Tuesday and Thursday at Baby Box, Victoria Street. Please call 07862 247694 for details. We are still here to help and do not require a voucher or a referral.
Contact: ventnorcommunityfoodbank@
Help with foodstuffs for the people of Ventnor
Baby Box Isle of Wight
Contact: 07850 263477
Appointment system only at present
No voucher or referral required
Baby Box provide clothing, nappies, baby food, wipes and other items to families on the Island
Daisy Bus services
(information provided by Wessex Cancer Trust)
Running to revised timetables (meeting Red Funnel car ferry and Hovertravel) and free of charge. Check all timings carefully.
Please note: Call the minibus driver the day before travelling:
Portsmouth: 0799 000 1072
Southampton: 0774 777 6874
Transport links for Island Cancer patients receiving treatment at QA Hospital, Portsmouth and Southampton General Hospital.
Booking advised on Hovertravel
Breakout Youth
Contact: 07741 663209
Help Offered: We are the LGBTQ+ charity for young people aged 11-25 on the Isle of Wight. We offer a safe and non-judgemental space for young people to access. From weekly group sessions and one-to-one’s, help and advice are always available. Come and be yourself!
Cross Solent Travel Scheme (information provided by Wessex Cancer Trust)
Wightlink and Red Funnel car ferries now running to new, different timetables
- FastCat – running a new timetable
- Red Jet – running a new timetable or by phone: Customer service: 0333 999 7333.
If you would prefer to remain in a vehicle, email
There are 2 free parking spaces at East Cowes for NHS patients travelling on the car ferry by foot. Call Red Funnel Customer Services on 02380 248501 to request a space.
Cancer and Renal patients can claim refunds on car ferry travel Red Funnel: £10.60 return (day return or period return) for all NHS patients. Pre-book.
Red Funnel staff are to ensure that patients travelling will be offered extra space on board. Ask any member of staff for this help.
Ventnor Well-being Café
Based at the Green Room, Salisbury Gardens.
Call 077916378
The group meets four times per week & provides a safe space for people with anxiety, are socially isolated or have mental health problems. Monday and Wednesday – 10.00 am to 2.00 pm and Tuesday and Friday – 12.00 noon to 4.00pm.
Members decide on activities – we have an allotment, do craft activities, arranging outdoor activities and trips. Lunch is provided on Tuesday and Friday.
The Café is a self-help group & does not require a referral.
Adult Social Care hotline for PAs for queries
01983 821000 extn 6322
Advice for Personal Assistants
Ventnor Warm Space – Our Place
Every Thursday at St. Catherine’s Church, Church Street, Ventnor.
A free hot lunch served from 12.00 to 2.00 pm. On the fourth Thursday of the month from 10.30 am to 1.30 pm
A range of local and Island -wide agencies attend – including People Matter IW, Citizen’s Advice, Veteran’s Outreach, Baby Box, Barnardo’s and Sight for Wight and Living Well- Early Help
The Living Well and Early Help Service
Delivered as a partnership between Aspire Ryde, Pan Together, West Wight Sports & Community Centre & Ventnor Town Council.
Telephone: 01983 240732
The Living Well & Early Help Service supports people to build on their strengths passions and capabilities enabling them to look for practical solutions wherever possible and focus on what they can do for themselves using their skills and experience rather than automatically looking for a service response.
The Service offers:
Support to help prevent people reaching crisis and where people are in crisis enable them to find support information and advice to get through it services based in the community at established community hubs.
Access to advice guidance and support for people and their families to live well maximise their well-being and maintain positive mental wellbeing.
Living Well & Early Help Independent Living Support
Delivered as a partnership between Aspire Ryde, Pan Together, West Wight Sports & Community Centre & Ventnor Town Council.
Phone: 01983 716882
The Living Well and Early Help Service provides free impartial advice and guidance is available on a wide range of daily living equipment and aids staff and volunteers may help residents choose the right product for their needs offering advice about specific disability aids equipment and services over the phone by email or in-person at one of its independent living support clinics held across the Island people have the opportunity to try items before committing to buying or hiring staff can also advise people on benefits grants and discounts they may be entitled to or ways to make energy saving changes to their home to reduce bills.
Mountbatten Coordination Centre
The Mountbatten Coordination Centre operates alongside and supports existing core services such as GPs, community nurses, specialist nurses and social care practitioners. It also acts as a single point of access for our specialist care service. A minority of patients and families who have highly complex physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs, will access this service.
Contact Details:
Email: Coordinationcentre@
Tel: 01983 533331
Service Details:
The Mountbatten Coordination Centre is a service for people who may be identified as being in the last five years of life or who have palliative care needs. It is for people living with any disease in which a deterioration may be life threatening.
The service is for those living on the Isle of Wight and it operates out of Mountbatten.
The Mountbatten Coordination Centre supports choice by:
• Improving the coordination and continuity of care and support for patients and their families/carers.
• Introducing a central 24/7 contact telephone number 01983 533331, offering information and support and enabling direct access to support for health and social care professionals, patients and their families/carers
Smokefree Island
Isle of Wight Council commissioned service providing support to quit smoking.
Web: Smokefree Island.
Phone: 0800 999 1396/01983 642369
Text QUIT to 66777 |
This FREE service offers face-to-face or telephone support and access to a stop-smoking app in conjunction with a range of nicotine replacement therapy or vape options.
Gloji Isle of Wight
Isle of Wight Council commissioned adult weight management service. |
Web: Gloji Isle of Wight
Phone: 0800 054 1190 (phone lines are open Mon – Fri 09:00 – 17:00)
Email: |
Subject to eligibility criteria, Isle of Wight residents can self-refer or be referred by a Healthcare Practitioner.
Funded places on local Slimming World courses.
Gloji lose weight 12-week online programme.
Man v Fat Football
Isle of Wight Council commissioned weight management service
(men only).
MAN v FAT Football Club in Sandown
Join your local Man v Fat Football Club and play small-sided football games against other men who also want to improve their health (there are some funded places available).
Age UK Isle of Wight offers a variety of services designed to work directly with older residents, their family, friends or carers to promote independence, support and health and wellbeing.
Good Neighbour Scheme | Vital assistance, friendship and reliable support for local older people who have no one to turn to. |
01983 525282 |
Information & Advice | Free and impartial information and advice for older people, carers and family members. |
(01983) 525282 |
The Hospital Project | Crisis and community support working with St. Mary’s hospital to provide support to older Island residents | (01983) 822099 Ext. 4052 |
Digital Inclusion | Offering workshops and drop-in sessions to support with all of your technology needs |
(01983) 525282 |
Welfare Benefits Advice | A free and confidential service for anyone 50+ who requires help with their benefits |
(01983) 525282 |
Dementia Care Navigation | Support to help you navigate the health and social care system and memory services | dementiacarenavigators@ (01983) 525282 |
Just About You Home Help Support | Our friendly and trustworthy personal assistants help with a range of domestic tasks to help you live well at home |
(01983) 301470 |
Daily Respite Service | Offering a little bit of time out for those caring for another. If you are a carer and want the opportunity to pop out to the shop, run errands or socialise we can help |
(01983) 301470 |
“Your Voice, Your Care, Your Support, Your Independence”
You can contact People Matter IW on 01983 685348. Face-to-face
appointments remain available – preferably by prior arrangement.
Lines open 9.00am – 4.00pm Monday to Thursday
Please be aware that the information contained in this document is as most recently provided to People Matter IW by each relevant organisation.
People Matter IW does not accept responsibility for any incorrect information supplied by a third party.
In every case, individual organisations should be contacted for more detailed information on their services.
People Matter IW Registered Charity Number: 1150937 (England and Wales).
Local info & emergency contact numbers
Adgestone Vineyard – 01983 402882
Age Uk – Digital Drop In session. Old School Cafe 4th Monday of the month.
Contact: 01983 525282. Email:
Allotments: Brading Town Council: 01983 401770
Beauty Loft – Rectory Mansion Tel: 07498299354
Beechgrove Park and Play area. The Mall – Brading Town Trust/ Brading Town Council
Brading Archive Group:
Brading Art group. Meet.. Brading Football Club, Vicarage Lane. Thursday 10-12 -Contact Paul Hewson. Tel: 01983 525708.
Brading Bellringers- Practice night-Thursdays 7.30. Tel: 01983 867150/508271. Email:brading
Brading Bookends – (The Old School Cafe 3rd Monday of the month) Book Club. Tel: 01983 408108
Brading C E Primary School – West St – Tel: 01983 407217
Brading Chess Club – Old School Cafe – Thursdays,10am-1pm. Tel: 07886904859
Brading Community Choir,Methodist Church Tues 7.30-8.30pm Contact: Georgina – 07714366967
Brading Community Partnership,(Reg charity) Brading Youth & Community Centre,(BYCC) High St.
Brading Community Partnership – Volunteers needed – Contact Ginny: 07423 425948
Brading Gun Shed – St Mary’s Churchyard
Brading Horticultural Society. Tel: Jo – 07895540494
Brading In Bloom. Email:
Brading Marshes Nature Reserve, Isle of Wight – RSPB
Brading Men in Sheds. Email:
Brading Methodist Church – 5 New Road. Contact: Jane 01983 407201. Tues Community cafe, Tues -Toddlers,Alt Wed -Rock Solid, Alt Mondays Teens Club, 3rd Frid -Messy Church.
Brading Old Town Hall – High St/ Quay Lane – Brading Town Trust
Brading Residents Assoc.
Brading Roman Villa. Tel: 01983 406223. Open:Wed – Sunday 10am – 4pm
Brading Station – Station Road – Travel to Ryde / Shanklin
Brading Town Council- New Town Hall, Bullring, High St. 01983 401770
Brading Town Pound – Brading Town Trust – Quay Lane
Brading Town Football Club: For volunteers Email:
Brading Town Trust – Old Town Hall –
Brading Youth Club, (BYCC) – Tues: Non-contact Boxing & DoE, Thursday,(Juniors) Fri, (Seniors) Tel: 01983 407382.
Brading Youth & Community Centre, High St, PO36 0DH. Tel: 01983 407382
Brothers Fish & Chip Shop Tel: 01983 407010
Bugle. 56-57 High St. Tel: 01983 407359
Bus route No 2 – Ryde; Brading; Sandown; Shanklin; Godshill; Merstone ; Newport
Bus route No 3 – Ryde; Brading; Sandown; Shanklin; Ventnor; Rookley ; Newport
Citizens Advise – 0800 144 8848
Claire’s Cosmetic skin Centre, West St. Tel: 01983 718300
Coastguard – 999 and ask for Coastguard
Crafty Crew, Knit & Natter meet at the Old School Cafe on Thursdays 10am-1pm.Tel: 07718757629
Crown & Bear, High St. Tel: 01983 472684
Defibrillators: The Bugle Inn, PO36 0DQ and The New Town Hall – PO36 0DF
Digital Drop In – Old School Cafe on 4th Monday of the Month. Age UK IW – Tel:01983 525282
District Nurse: 01983 534050
Dog Warden- 01983 823000
Environment Agency – Incident line – 0800 8070 60
Environmental Health – 01983 823000
Fibromyalgia Social Group – Old School Cafe on 2nd Monday of the Month. Tel:0773428295
Fire – Emergency 999 / 01983 525121 or 01983 823194 General enquiries
Floodline – 0345 988 1188/0845 988 1188 24hr.
Fly Tipping Tel: 01983 823777
Gas Emergency – 0800 111 999
Gift to Nature – Brading Down – Local Nature reserve
Handyman – Email: Tel:07973 913432
Home Fragrances and crystals –Tel: 07969 236879
HRD – Auction Rooms – Quay Lane, Brading. Tel 01983 402222
IoW Council: County Hall. Tel: 01983 8210000
Isle of Wight Council – Emergency management – 01983 823316
Island Line – Rail – Customer services – 0345 600 0650
Island Roads – 01983 822440
Kitchen and Bathroom fitter – John Passat Tel: 07981202530
Leakline – 0800 820 999
Lilliput Doll & Toy Museum, High St. Tel 01983 407231
Lisa Stacey Art – Find on Instagram, Facebook, Holliers Tunnel Market, Branstone
Monday Music – jamming session- Old School cafe (BYCC)-1st Monday of the month. 10am – 1pm
Old School Cafe – BYCC – Monday & Thursday 10am–1pm. Free parking for patrons.
Old School cafe – Volunteers needed – contact
Police: Non emergency 101, 0845 045 45 45 – Emergency 999
Police – PCSO, Stephen Hull
Post Boxes – The Mall, Lower Furlongs, Park Road, Bull Ring, Aylett Close-Morton
Post Office – Thursday, 9.30am–11.30am ,New Town Hall, Bullring. High Street.
Premier Store, High Street. Tel: 01983 407292
Public Toilets: Town car park, seasonal.
Rectory Mansion High St/Quay Lane: Jewellers, Beauty Loft, Florist/wedding flowers
Red Funnel Ferries – Tel: 023 8024 8500
Roisin Mullins Dance Academy. Tel: 07832271809. Email:
RSPB – Brading Marshes
RSPCA – 01983 840247
Samaritans – 116 123
Southern Electric Emergency – Tel: 105
St Mary’s the Virgin – High St, Brading – Church Warden – 01983 406817
St Mary’s Church Hall – Bookings: Sue 407723 or
St Mary’s Hospital – Newport – Tel: 01983 822099
Voluntary Social Transport : Optio Helpline 019083 522226
Wendy Debenhams, Bull Ring, High St. Soft furnishing: 01983 401411
Wightcare – 01983 – 821105
Wightlink Ferry: 03339997333
Yarbridge Inn, Yarbridge Cross: Tel: 01983 405585
If anyone would like to submit information of groups ,businesses etc, in the Brading area which is deemed appropriate, please contact: – Thank you
DISCLAIMER: Brading Residents Association accepts no responsibility with regards any legal queries regarding the information listed, which has been taken in good faith.